
Showing posts from May, 2018


Friendships are interesting, to say the least. My closest "friend" I truly consider a sister and the other is my partner. The only other types of friendships I have are ones that are controversial. They are nice and fun but can be more painful then they are worth. I am a person who has never left anyone. In partnership and in friendship. If it fails it is because they back down or I moved/something out of my control. This can be very bad for friendships since I get taken advantage of. I find myself in unhealthy situations but I never leave. That's why when I see the word Friendship it feels weird. Because I have good friends but I don't call them Friends, and the people I call friends are not normally healthy. I hope your friendships are better.

Strawberry Pretzel Bar Candle

I burned you. You didn't burn correctly but that's okay. One side of you I never saw. You smell sweeter than anything before. I could have smelled you forever. I got you when I was with someone who has now hurt me. You are sweet yet you have thorns of the past. I tried to burn you more but you wouldn't burn. I want to remember you but I need to let you go. I burned you and you burned out. Your smell is in the air as your wax fades away. I hope you find a new home and find someone to make you happy.

I Used to be Okay With Being Single

It's weird to think I was okay with being single. Before my first relationship, I was not looking for a relationship. When he asked me out, I wasn't looking. I was young, of course, I said yes. That was a long time ago. I wish I could be okay with not being in a relationship. I love the relationship I am in but when I was single it was a feeling like no other. An emptiness, a pit in my stomach. Feeling I will die alone, that was a fear before I was ever in a relationship but its different after having the feeling that you'll forever have someone and then its just gone in one day.


I find that animals are more humane then we are. Yes, they kill each other to survive, but even then they respect each other more then I feel even we do. Every single day you can go online, on Facebook, and find a new reason to hate this world and the people in it. Animals are more natural in the world then we are anymore. We are stuck in places we can barely get out of, whether that's socially or physically. I personally love technology, but as a world as a whole and the health of the world, if we didn't exist, or if we went back to before the wars and before the buildings that destroyed the grass, the world would be better. For now, I just hope we can find a way to work together like animals enough to live a better life. I hope I provide something important for the world just like every single animal, everything has a purpose and a reason and I wish to share mine.

Showering With Someone

Some people look at showering with someone as something sexual. I see something else. I see two people who love each other being so vulnerable together but trusting one another. It is an intimate thing but not as sexual as some people think. Personally, I love showering with someone. There are moments of pure and love in the simplest way. Kissing someone while the water is running on you, feeling pure and love and warm and all these feelings that add up to something beautiful. Or leaning on someone whole the water runs on both of you, you feel as though you could fall asleep because you are so comfortable with this person and you are just so in love that you feel so wholesome when their skin is touching yours. There are so many beautiful moments that can be made in such a loving, pure, and intestate way.

I like Labels

Most people hate the idea of labels. They don't like the idea of putting people into categories because we are humans, not items. But personally, I think labels can help people connect/understand another person. I do not put labels on people unless they offer them. I put labels on myself because I am proud of who I am and I believe the labels I use are things I am proud of. For example, I am a woman. That is a label that I give myself, something I am proud of. Labels like bisexual, gamer, and blond. Simple labels that I enjoy because they describe who I am and I am proud of those facts. If you ask me about myself I will go through the labels I publicly identify with. I don't think labels are always a bad thing. I enjoy stating my labels. I think more people need to be open to the idea of labels and not thinking of them as boxes of items, but as communities of people.

The Oregon Coast - May 14th 2018

I joined my boyfriends family on the Oregon coast. We headed from Portland taking a few hours. We first headed to Tillamook. The factory is in the works but they have a little shop with a cheese line and an ice cream shop. We got some cow tails and made our way. Our next stop was at Cape Lookout State Park. It was a small beach area with lots of rocks. We climbed down and walked along the beach, the water was cold but the view was beautiful. Next, we went to Hug Point State Park at Arch Cape.  We did not stay long but we got some beautiful photos, it was a shortstop but a stop at that. Another place we landed was Cannon Beach.  We also did not stay long but others went down to the beach. We decided it was time to get dinner and ate at the pizza place called Pizza a'fetta . We got an interesting crab pizza. After that, we found some antique shops that we walked and looked around it. We actually got a great deal on an old-fashioned trumpet. It works well enough to play with s

10 Years

10 years 120 months 521 weeks 3,650 days 87,600 hours 52,560,000 minutes We have been friends for 10 years. You are my best friend. My sister betters then blood. You have always been there for me. Sometimes I don't listen but I appreciate when you tell me what to do. You are the one person I can always count on. We even got matching tattoos. MMVIII. I always want to go to you first when something new happens. You practically know everything. You are my oldest and most important friend. If I truly could put into words of how important you are to me you wouldn't be able to finish it in a lifetime. You are my soul buddy.

Fording Promises Under Broken Ones

Fording   promise  under past broken promises. I have heard the same promise before, broken by each person. Hearing it anew makes me think of all the broken ones. Hearing "I will never leave you" is hard to believe when it has been broken before. I want nothing more than to believe it but its impractical to not to over think, to not worry. I will believe it when trust you do not worry, but please do not get mad when I don't 100% believe you when I think about every other person who has broken that promise and I trusted them. I know you are different and that's why its hard. I want to believe every promise you make, I want to be happy with you. Please just hold me till I trust you, remind me that you love me, tell me that promise until I believe it. 

Do Trees Have Spines?

Every once in a while I and my friends get on bizarre topics that we google and confirm, these are those stories. Bum Bum. Do trees have spines? The first thing we need to know is the definition of the spine. There is actually more than one. The one you probably know is this: 1. a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the backbone. [1]   But after that, there is another one. 2. any hard pointed defensive projection or structure, such as a prickle of a hedgehog, a spike-like  projection on a sea urchin, a sharp ray in a fish's fin, or a spike on the stem of a plant. [1] Now they mention how it can be a spike on a plat, trees are plants. We now can look up if trees are capable of having spines. According  to this website [2] they are capable of having spines. As well as Wikipedia  [3] . With that we can conclude some trees can have spines, but what are those tree

1,236 Miles

1,236 miles 2,175,360 yards 6,526,080 feet 78,312,960 inches We didn't always live so far. We haven't lived as neighbors for 9 years. Yet she is the one that I want to text first when I find something out. She is the person who knows practically everything. Even with 1,236 miles in between, she is my go to. I've talked to her more than I have anyone. She is the one my family can tell I am talking to without even hearing her. She can live so far away yet help me pick out my next nail color. She is my sister, more of a family than any of my blood. No matter how many miles we add or subtract we will always keep in touch. There are not enough words to describe what meaning she has to me. She is my long distance soul buddy.

Red Rose

I love that you bloom down. You don't need to have your head up to look beautiful. When I look at you I can see the sky. Your thorns don't matter at this moment. I see the green of your leafs, and the blue of the sky and the red of your peddles. It took me only a moment to see and capture your beauty. I want nothing more than for the word to see what you are, what you can be. Blooming down is what makes you special, makes you beautiful. I found you on the way home and I took a moment to freeze a moment of your life. I hope more people see your beauty in person, or on here. Stay beautiful.

What if We Forget

I worry I will forget your face. I will forget the way you smile or the way you wrap your arms around me. Every time you leave I worry. I hope you won't forget me. I hope you remember the way my lips felt on yours. I hope you remember the way I said I love you. I do not want to forget your hands on me. I feel like the longer you are gone the more likely I will forget your smell. I want to remember you, I want to remember us. Please don't let me forget how it felt to be in your arms, come back sooner than later. I don't need sexual attention or gifts. I need to watch Hulu next to you while your arms are wrapped around me. Your arms are my safe place. You are so warm and I don't want to forget that. I want to remember how it feels to feel safe in the morning as I wake up next to you.

I Can't Believe I Am Eighteen

I can't believe I am 18. As a child, most children want to be adults. An adult then tells us that being an adult is not fun and that soon we will realize we do not want to be one. As I got older I saw people turn 18 and post how they feel no different. How its just another day, another birthday. I never found myself not wanting to be an adult. Always reminded that I will not enjoy it, never really stuck. I worried as the day got closer that it would really be nothing, all my hopes and dreams of that day and the freedom it came with would just be a thought. But when the day came, I am happy to say, it was truly amazing. Maybe I didn't feel it all that first day, but I can tell I a happy I am 18. There is so much freedom that has come into my life. Growing up I had a very interesting childhood which meant I couldn't cross the street alone till I was in 6th grade and only because I had to. I was very protected and generally stayed inside. Being able to go out without freaki

Saying I Love You

I was laying my head on his lap, I looked up and told him "I have a secret but I can't tell you." The past two days all I could think about was how I think I was in love with him. How I wanted so badly yo sat it that it almost hurt. How with someone else I worried about them saying it because I knew I didn't want to say it back. I felt like everyone would tell me it can take a long time to realize you love someone. But at that moment I knew I loved him and wanted to say it. I would not say it first though, for the fact that I didn't want him to say it unless he meant it too. He looked down at me and said: "I think I know your secret." I jumped up and said, "You do?" He looked at me and said, "I love you." I felt a weight lift off my shoulder as I said: "I love you too." I told him how I had been begging him in my head to say it because I truly meant it and wanted him to know. I was sitting facing him on his lap, on my kne

Meeting the Parents

Seeing how the world is today, meeting someone parents can many different outcomes. They can be nice and amazing people (thankfully my only experiences (kinda) ) or they can be fucking terrifying. I have met all of my past relationships with parents. The first had a previous relationship with someone currently living in my house causing my experience with meeting them not exactly true-hearted. The other two were actually pretty positive. They both had wonderful family's, probably looking back, the saddest part of the breakup. I just recently meet my partner's parents and it when well as expected. Though beforehand I couldn't shake the nerves. It just gets me thinking that I am thankful I haven't run into any super conservative parents.

In the Woods

Find me in the woods. Where the wind is rough like your old crooked smile. Where the branches are above me and the dropped of fallen rain bestow my head with grief. I find it hard to find anything in the city. I can't find what is natural, what is pure. Love is truly out in the fields where no one can hurt you or find you repulsive. Everything is beautiful when you're outside. You can sit and listen to the wind or the rain insisted of the yelling and breaking of things. You can look up into the endless sky where the idea of someone is 7 billion people wide. While the roof over your head limits your life to four walls that you didn't even design. Find me in the woods. Where I can kiss you till morning comes, and hold you til the night finds us again. Find me in the forest where hopes and dreams are not just words written in a cloud of technology. Help me find the trees that I carved our names into instead of finding a new place to eat. Tell me my eyes are more beautiful t

What You Deserve

You deserve someone who loves you. You deserve someone who will not leave you. You deserve someone who shares cute things with you. You deserve someone who wants to show you off. You deserve someone who cares about you, worry's about you. You deserve the world. You deserve someone to be happy with. You deserve someone who you can laugh with. You deserve all the stupid, crazy, yet wonderful shit that someone can give you. You deserve me, and I deserve you. We deserve to be happy, together.


I place the dream catcher above our bed. I hope it catches your bad dreams my love. I find it hard to imagine while I am holding you in my arms such dreams can enter your mind but it is just in case. I want you to have the sweetest dreams my dear. Dreams of whatever your hearts desire. I want you to be happy even when your eyes are closed and your conscious is far. I hope my warm grasp can ward off the demons of your mind as your smile does mine. I run my fingers along your arm as you grow more asleep. I wish in every moment I could remind you that I love you. I move your hair from you face, I can see your eyes move as you dream. You lay so peacefully, the dream catcher must be working.

The Little Things

I love when you touch my hair. I love when you have your hands on me without wanting more. I love how you can want me but don't need anything. I love when you do things you don't even realize. I love when you hold my hand in public because you aren't ashamed. I love how you care so much more than anyone has before. I love how you get into things that I like, just because I like them. I love how you laugh at my bad jokes. I love how we can lay all day and you won't get bored. I love how we can go out all day and you won't complain. I love how the gift you gift don't need to be flowers but the kindest words of your heart. I love that your I love you's aren't just words. I don't need anything more than the little things in life that you give me.

I Want a Country Song

Most people I talk to do not like country music, and I can respect that. But the truth in why I like it is because of the lyrics. The lyrics are a story and a tale and something that doesn't need to be decrypted. The country love songs I listen to are full of love, and compassion, and the small things that I appreciate in a relationship (Yes pop songs have that too). I want a man to see the small things. To love beautiful things. I want a man to love me and tell me that he doesn't need to see the northern lights. I want a man to tell me every time I sing in the shower he loves me more. I want a man who is turned on by the fact that hes mine. I don't need money or a fancy car. I want something that is meaningful. I want time. One day I want a country song.