10 Ways to Add Money To Minecraft

If you don't know what Minecraft is, it's pretty much a building/survival game, with enemies such as like zombies and walking skeletons. There are multiple game modes, including a creative mode where you can focus exclusively on the building without having to worry about survival. I have been building on a creative world since 2014. Whether you're playing survival or creative, putting more meaning into a game so simple is a pretty common goal.

Plugins are additions to servers that keep the server technically vanilla, which means in a sense that you aren't cheating by using mods. This way you still can get achievements. Plugins are one of the most common ways of adding currency, though if you don't know commands or how set up your own server it might not be the best method. Here are 3 popular ones:
1. https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/mcmoney
2. https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/gmoney
3. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/killermoney.485/

If you are a more simple person and do not deal with commands or anything outside the usual Minecraft, then items are probably your best option. As a lover of commands, I use this method because you can incorporate villagers and make selling and buying more interesting. Here are a few common and personal options:

4. Iron, Gold, and Diamond: This is the most common form of money in Minecraft. Since these are known as valuable, they can be used as currency. You can assign values to different items such as iron being worth 1, gold being 3 or 5, and diamond being 5 or 10.

5. Paper: Most of the money in the real world is used as paper, so using plain paper in Minecraft doesn't seem like much of a stretch.

6. Poppy: This is a personal suggestion. When I created my world I wanted something different, so I went with poppies. They are each the equivalent of 1-dollar bills, and if I want something to be more expensive I make it multiple Poppies.

7. Anything Else: You can practically make any type of item currency. If you trade stuff for it, it counts, so gets creative and find your money.

Mods are last on the list for the fact that they are my least favorite. I love mods but when spending the time to create something, I feel like getting the same effect with vanilla makes it more satisfying. With mods, if you don't know, you can create complete additions to your game. You must also download Bukkit and add it into your game. They can change Minecraft almost completely and give the user a new experience. Here are a few mods to check out:
8. http://www.9minecraft.net/currency-mod/
9. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/good-ol-currency
10. https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/currency


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