Weird Tee-shirts I Made In ACNL

Since the release of Animal Crossing New Horizons, I've been reminiscing on all my time playing all the other games, all the way to Gamecube. I remembered as I was making new patterns in the new game I still had some old ones. And I found out that you can still use the codes with a cell phone app. So is ent back and found all the patterns I never posted. Here is a collection of random tee-shirts I made throughout my time as mayor in New Leaf. I have a few more other categorize of things to share so look out for those, but these ones didn't fit into any category.

This one is based on the phrase, the cake is a lie, from the game portal. Mixed with a Minecraft cake on the front. This one was my absolute favorite and I wore it on my character all the time. 

This one was because my favorite color was yellow and I am a Scorpio.

This is based on the youtube channel I used to watch called Sky Does Minecraft.

This is based on a mountain dew bottle haha.

I'm not really sure why I made this, I know it has something to do with Minecraft but that about it still looks cool.

So this one is based in the channel Achievement Hunter, or let's play.


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