Ah yes, wedding season, the joys of bringing two beautiful people together in holy matrimony. Well not exactly. In animal crossing new horizons they brought out wedding season for all of June. And every day you had the opportunity to create a beautiful room and take pictures of Resse and Cyrus. Honestly, I was really happy to see them be a part of this game since they are my absolute favorite characters from new leaf. New leaf was the game I ended up playing the most because I was older then is as when I played the previous games. And it's close to my heart, so I had high expeditions for new horizons. I am not pleased by the fact that all you could do was take pictures with them. Yes, you got special items but personally, it wasn't a very good event. After the first two days, I just randomly put stuff out to get the currency for this event. The only thing I really wanted to have was the cakes and after I got those I stopped going to Harvey's Island. It was a cute event but I didn't want am, marriage section to my island so I didn't work very hard to get all the stuff. Again I did enjoy seeing my favorite characters in HD but I wish they would add their shop or something custom to them, even if you could just order custom furniture online. I know you have the ability to do what they did but they definitely could give them custom things, like patterns or maybe items you can't change they can. I think the furniture and stuff are really cute but the only thing you'll see from the event on my island is the cute little cakes because io absolutely loves food in the game it's so adorable and I love that I can customize the cake. I know a lot of people hated the egg event but I thought it was more interactive. You had to gather all types of materials and find recipes and stuff and put it all together. I know like the seashell recipes are similar but it still feels different, yah know it was a whole thing with the eggs. I hope another event comes soon similar to the egg event in just how it works. But I thought id share some pictures I saved that made me laugh from the event.
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