How To Make The Perfect Snowboy In ACNH


Now I will admit these snow boys have really been making me angry. I really wanted the frozen treat and it took almost all the other DIYs before I got it and it took plenty of failed snow boys. But I think I have mastered it

Simply put, for the body count to 17 and for the head, count to 12. (kicking doesn't count)

You can use a timer or just count and even if you arent good at counting in time, as long as the ratios are correct you'll get the perfect snow boy. Because the snow boy's perfect rating is about ratio and not actually the size. So if you wanted to make bigger ones as long as the difference in the numbers means it will still work. another thing is the kicking does not count towards the counting. The counting only starts after you start rolling it with your hands and it stays in the snow. If you roll a snowball on a path it will get smaller, even small enough that you'll have to kick it again. So make sure you get both snowballs to an area of just snow before rolling so that your counting is correct. Normally when I do it I count out loud with a Mississippi in between and it doesn't matter the pace, like I said before, as long as both snowballs have the same pace.

I wanted to murder in animal crossing because of this. I was yelling and cussing over imaginary snowmen that were just so rude. But once I got the hang of it, I was fine. Let me know if you also really hated these snowmen, and what is your favorite DIY for this frozen collection. Mine as I said is the frozen treats because I think food in this game is just so darn cute and food is such an easy "theme" because everyone loves food. 


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