When is it Okay to be Engadged?

I was having a discussion with my friend on when it is okay to be engaged. Minimum, at least, required. This was all a matter of opinion just to have another perspective. I recently got into a relationship. I am a person who wants something serious and worth my time, meaning the future should be a topic of discussion soon off. From having two heartbreaks in the last year I was hesitant to mention anything. I eventually realized some things I can't be afraid of and just have to risk the pain. I mentioned some questions to them and we had a little discussion. I was asking my friend when she would think engagement would be okay because I wanted to know if my ideas were reasonable. No, when talking about anything like this does not mean I want it soon or immediately, nor am I desperate. It is more so a matter of knowledge. Knowing when it should be an actual topic of. discussion. For my friend, she said minimum would be a year and a half. I said two years. When I mentioned the discussion to my partner he said two years and a half. I think because our ideas are closer than it is better. Bringing up anything about the future is also to compare our ideas and see if they are similar. I believe waiting longer for marriage can be important. Marriage costs money, but divorce is more. But mostly I feel I don't need a paper to tell me I love someone.


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