Buying My First Ad

I was set out to make an ad for my shop. I went through and found different options for what I wanted to do. I ended up making a facebook ad because that is the original platform and it just seemed to make sense. I choose to promote your page. I felt the look of the ad was better than just a post because I am more focused on getting people to look at my shop and not just some post I made. It has been a good handful of hours and I am learning more as I mess around with it. It seems that the number of people your ad reaches match up with cents. So average (or just exact I am not sure) every person is worth a cent. I bought 1 dolor for 7 days. Today I got about 30 reaches and 2 likes. But another thing I learned is that the ad counts like even if they are not from the ad. It tells me how much it is charged per like, but someone I actually personally invited liked my page after I made the ad and it counted it. Which is slightly irritating for the fact that I want those statistics to be based on the ad. Most of the time I don't get that many like daily or reach so I still feel like its pretty accurate. Over more time I will learn more and I plan to test out different ads and see the difference in the earnings and find the best ad for my shop to try and use more since ads are right now the best method for getting attention to my shop.


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