Blog Ranting

There has been plenty of times where I want to rant about blog-related things, and I even right out 500 plus words but sometimes I don't post them within the tight timeline, where some of these don't apply anymore but I still wrote them out and put thought into them. So I decided to combine all my "blog" related ranting posts. So here's a compilation of some posts from the past!
Lately, I have been thinking about what gives me motivation. The simplest answer is my friends and me. I say myself because some things my friends never see. Different things motivate different things if that makes sense. When I thought about this topic I was thinking about how sometimes I go through flunks, and lately, when I have a moment like such, I get motivated by thinking about making things for my friends. I had a month or so where I couldn't bring myself to paint, I just couldn't think of anything, or bring myself to paint one even if I had an idea. But once I came up with the idea to make something for my friends I got right on it and finished them in 2 days, 4 paintings. And when I couldn't crochet I made my friends Christmas gifts at the end of last year. I guess the point of this is I love my friends, they bring me joy, hang out with me, and give me motivation because I want to make them things and gift them things since I appreciate them so much. I know they will never see this and this is fine, I just kinda wanted to state that you need to find something that gives you motivation, doesn't even need to be friends, my cat also gives me motivation.
I want to talk about ads for a second

I’ve tried my best in the past on all of my blogs to be transparent about my ads. I started blogging as a hobby that I wanted to do for a long time. I started back in school and wrote every day, I have gone through many phases of my blog reflecting how I was going through my life. I am finally happy and I think my blogs are finally reaching their full potential. But I really notice more things when I look at articles online. Because every site that has articles or writing is in reality a blog. And I’ve been noticing more things lately. I recently went to a blog and I literally could barely read it because in between every “paragraph” or few sentences there was a row of 7 banner ads. There were hundreds of ads on this site, yes they may be getting more money but it ruins the experience of reading that blog made me sure to never go back. I don’t have a direct following of return readers but I still want to make it possible for them to read it and enjoy it. Like I said I like to be transparent because I know young he would want to see information like this. When I was still figuring out this whole blogging thing, I tried to get as many ads and much as possible no matter how annoying and I realized through time that’s truly not the way to go, yes you’ll want ads, they are important in the life of a blogger, but only put a few, enough to see them, and that’s it, I have mine set to automatic where google recommends where to put them. Normally when I look on my page there are about 3 banners. Yes if I had more I’d make more money. But the truth is, which I didn’t listen to, money is not what’s important. I thought if I could just make enough to live I’d be happier, that’s not it, what makes me happy is seeing the number go up in how many people get to see my content, people click on my blog Because they want to see what I have to write about. I work hard to get the views I get and I didn’t have help from some big shot person. You’ll be more proud of your blog if you work hard, that’s the truth.

I want to include this picture I took of too many ads on a blog. I will not include their name or their content because all they need is some growth. I don’t think they are bad at blogging, they just haven’t found the best way to do it yet. No, my blog isn’t the best way to do it, mine is not for everyone but it’s for me. No blog should be the same, no blog is normally the same. I’m not saying 3 ads are what you should do. But having hundreds on a single page is definitely not it from a reader's perspective. And from a blogger's perspective, money shouldn’t be your goal, your content and your audience should. I hope to one day find their blog again and actually be able to read their content. Again no hate to anyone just my opinion and experience, you should always learn on your own and from your own mistakes.
Using royalty-free things

Since I learned the kind of trouble you can get in for not having the right rights to something, I have used royalty-free things. From music to video, to photos. I’d smart and if you ever want to make money using items such as these that aren’t your own, it's really easy just to google sites that give you royalty-free things to use.

What does royalty free mean? Well, it means that the creator has given up their rights for the product usually for money. Most royalty free things like shutter stock, you pay to use. But there are sites that give you completely free use, in exchange for normal exposure, not even you have to give them exposure but the site itself does when you download it. It’s really easy to find these sites, just a google search away.

Why am I talking about this? Well recently I came into some complications, fixable and not a problem, but just something I thought I’d talk about
I wrote this when thinking about how I wanted to really work on my blog again and bring it back to what it was, a personal diary and notes, and fun.

I’m not even sure where to start. There is so much to say, wow how cliche. If anyone chooses to read this I appreciate it. I’ve been thinking about writing this for a long time and these past few days I’ve been jump-starting what I’ve been wanting to do for a while. This post might be all over the place but that’s okay. I also want to say that, again I appreciate your reading, but truly this is for me. That’s how it was before and that’s how I want it again, as a memory or a milestone whatever it is. I don’t like those updated kinds of posts or videos when I know no one is listening but I still want to put this out there as a fresh start. I’ve tried to give myself multiple ones but since I’ve started my blog I’ve grown and changed a lot and for once in my life, I’m in a place I like and I’d like to share that with you.

I want to start off by explaining some things about my past and my past and current relationship with the internet. I always dabbled in social media and online since I was at least 10 and I have loved it ever since. But the more important milestones are like when I started YouTube. I made a YouTube in 2013. So many years ago. Though I actually made videos on my mom's channel since I was a young girl, my channel was made in 2013. I made videos because they made me happy. As a girl still in school, with no self-esteem, I was embarrassed and went through many phases of hiding. Then some years ago in high school, I started doing it again and was having a fun time. During senior year was a rough year and I stopped. I focused on my blog which I started in 2017. And when I started my blog it started as a diary, I wrote every day to try and help my mental health, then last year I tried to use multiple blogs to make money and it burned me out and turned into something that didn’t make me happy and stressed me out. I stopped everything.

Now to understand more I’ll need to explain a little of my personal life. In the last few years, I’ve gone through multiple breakups and multiple relations that have taught me many things. One relationship started to turn toxic and was almost like that first hit of cold air after walking in the heat, or that refreshing hot water in a shower after being cold and dirty. There are many things I’ve learned and many things I know now. This time in my life I’m happy. I worked last year on small things to improvise myself and because I wasn’t in the right place I didn’t realize how good it actually was. For the first time in a long time, I have to look at myself by myself. And because of everything that I’ve done and worked on and everything that’s happened I am happy and I do love myself. Since everything is new and I’ve been working on myself, my relationships, my room, my craft, my life, my feelings, and myself I remembered how much youtube and my blog and things like that made me happy. I wanted to edit them and return them to what they were, a source of joy, work, and something to be proud of.

I brought back all my videos and you can check them out. I started recording new videos and I want to upload videos that are fun once a week. I am going to start posting things on my blog that aren’t based on the fact that you’ll click it, but because I’m proud of it or it was fun to make. I am keeping my Instagram and newly added, TikTok, all about myself, and what makes me happy. Some people might see this all as selfish and narcissistic but for the first time in my life I’m happy and want to make things for myself and for others and I’ve never been more proud.

You can check out all the links to my stuff right here on my blog.
I hope you have a great day and if not already, find yourself loving yourself.


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