Birthday Freebies 2020

I know this is late and I apologize! But birthdays are year-round and most of these still apply except maybe different items but my birthday is at the end of the year anyway so I don't think it matters much, but enjoy your free stuff!

This year I wanted to do a little more. I added some new things to try on my list and once my birthday passes and I get all the ones I can is when you'll see this. I want to include how and pictures this time as well as ones that didn't work. An important note is that with all the sign-ups you only have to do it once so some of these are from last year and you continue to get birthday gifts every year. I am also turning 21 this year and will include things that relate to you know being 21. I only normally like to include actual straight-free things. And most of these are but the 21 related ones might be just discounts but I still want to include them.

I want to make this as detailed as impossible including things that probably aren't important just to make sure you have all the information you might need. I also want to include a "Simple" version to give a quick explanation if you don't want to read everything because I sure don't sometimes, and then a more detailed message if you need more detail.


Dutch Bros

Without paying or having a reword membership I got a free dutch, you can go to multiple dutches since they do not require an account, as an adult, they do ask for your id but not as a kid. Just go through their drive-through and say it is your birthday, you can get any drink for any size. 

Marco Polo

I just went there for my birthday lunch and mentioned it and they gave me a free cupcake without me asking, I am not sure if they do this every time but I enjoyed it. Logically you would have to eat there so it's not "free" but it was really sweet and was one of the first things we did so i wanted to mention it. 


On your birthday you get a free slam! I did not need a membership or app though they did have it mentioned on their wall, but I showed them my ID and got a free slam! No payment needed. 


You get the coupon on your app but it is completely free and I did not spend any money previously. I choose a cookie.

Jersy Mikes

The coupon took a little while to show up on my account but I did end up getting it I think I had to google jersey Mike's birthdays and click on the link and sign in to find the coupon. 

Jimmy Johns

I did get an email telling me I got a free sub, I forgot to take a picture of the sandwich itself but as you can see on the recite I paid nothing. I have bought previously through them. 

Firehouse subs

I got the coupon through the app and went in and showed it, though I had to redeem it first for it to show up in my account in their system. But other than that it was fairly simple.

Red Robin

They give you a free burger and I did get an email, I have previously bought there before. I actually forgot to use it because covid was happening and it was hard to get food there but I did end up emailing them and they put enough money for a burger on my account and I was really grateful. But it would have worked if I had gone.


Hot Topic

This year you get a 5 dollar coupon! Should get at the beginning of the month, no email needed it will be on your account, and no minimum purchase necessary. For free items find something for 5 dollars or less.

For Hot Topic you get a 5 dollar coupon. My coupon was given to my account on the first of my birthday month, which was November 1st. I spent my coupon on November 5th. I did some research before I went because I wanted to make sure there was no minimum purchase. When I asked the worker she said at least 5 dollars but that's not actually true, under Hot Topic policy that if you spend 3 dollars out of the 5 that you won't get the other 2 in return as the money has no cash value. This means two things, one you can spend under the 5, and two there is no minimum purchase meaning you can get something for 5 or under for completely free. You do not need an email to use your coupon, all you need is to do is give the cashier your email or phone number. If I were you id sign into your account before going to make sure that your coupon is on your account, it will be under rewards. If you don't know Hot Topic can be more on the expensive side. But their clearance section has things discounted to things like 3, 5, 7, and etc dollars. If you find something you really like and are willing to spend a dollar or two you can get two items or a more expensive item. But if you are like me and want some free things for your birthday, if you find something for 5 dollars or less, you get it for completely free! I found some clearance Eporors New Groove scrunchies and couldn't help myself. So for Hot Topic, I got a set of scrunchies for completely free! I did sign up many years ago and have spent money through them, but to my knowledge that is not required.
Bare Minerals

You get a small box of birthday makeup that changes from year to year, you do not need an email. You just need to go into a bare minerals boutique and give them your email or phone number and you get a cute little birthday gift for free.

This year they have a little box with a powder blush and mascara. Which actually ended up being a way bigger size than I initially thought. Since if you have ever been to Ulta, their smalls and gifts are always insanely small. Like Barbie doll small. I got the email on November 2nd. I didn't think I would actually be able to get this one because I did not know if there was a boutique within a reasonable distance but there actually was! I just simply went in and said I had a birthday gift. I need up going on November 5th because we happen to be where one was. They scanned it after I gave them my email and gave it to me for absolutely free. I did in fact get an email but was not required,  just the account. I made the account last year and have not to spend any money through them. 


You get a choice of two different beauty-related items that change every year. No email is required just the account. 

I choose mascara and a crema blush that can also be used on the lips. The other option was some scrubs but I don't use those kinds of things as much as I use. I did not get an email but I did redownload the app just a month ago to make sure I could check my account easily. I got the gift on November 1st to my knowledge and I ended up going to a Sephora on the 5th when I went to the mall. I went to a JCPenny boutique. I told them I had a birthday gift, they asked me which one I wanted and I told them. They scanned the item and gave it to me for completely free! I did sign up with this account last year but I have not spent any money through them. 


I never got my birthday code, because you need to show a code from an email, but I did message them and they sent me the code through the email. When I went in thought they did not have one of the regular gifts so they gave me some of their gift items. Not sure what the birthday gift this year was but it is fine, I had this problem last year as well having to email them. 

Honorable Mentions

This is under honorable mention because it is not exactly an item but I got 300 coins on my Nintendo account which you can use for in-game items or something. The real items do cost shipping and I ended up not using mine and the coins expired but it was nice!

Places that DO NOT WORK!

Edible arrangements
I was told they would give you free stuff but you have to buy stuff previously with your account to get the free birthday gift.

I was also told similar to dutch that you can get a free drink if you sign up, but you do need to previously spend money at Starbucks with your account, which sucks because I have gotten Starbucks but I never show my account. 

They do have a birthday item but it is not free so I am putting it under does not work, same with some other ones. You get a 20% off coupon. 

I was really sad about this one, I eat chipotle a fair amount and the only thing they could give was free guacamole WITH a purchase of 5 or more dollars. Really sucks chipotle. 

Krispy Kreme
The reword for a free donut never showed duo in my account but I was also never able to go to see if they would horror it. There are only 3 Krispy Kremes within a 50 miles distance and they are on the edge of that. 

There might have been more things, but I did try and do everything I could find a month ahead, I still think I got away with a lot of free food and some fun items. This will be a recurring post probably with less detail but you will be updated. If you are here, you probably deserve a happy birthday! hope this was helpful. 


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